Chapter 79: Agnes Ades: Rosemary Piddock
On 13 August 1898, the Folkestone Herald published an article on Lyminge National School. It included information on a prize-giving event attended by the Rector and parents of the children who were pupils at the school. Siblings of Agnes Ades were mentioned in this article and in 1899 Agnes received her first medal. This article is about her and the medals that were awarded to her during her time at the school.
Chapter 80: Pushing up Daisies: Mike Foxon
Pushing up Daisies was a small charity in the village in the Tayne Centre that sold items donated by villagers and the funds going towards projects that benefited the parish.
Chapter 81: Reminiscences of Tom Webb: via the late Mary Button
Recollections of a Lyminge butcher’s son who as a young boy lived in the village through WWII.
Chapter 82: The 100th Anniversary of the Armistice of the 1st World War:
Lyminge Family History and Research Group
In 2018 Lyminge commemorated the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice marking the end of the Great War. A variety of events and activities were arranged and many of them are included in this chapter.
Chapter 83: Telegraphy on the Ocean Waves : Duncan Harrington
A look back at the Elham Valley Sea Cadets Corps who formed in 1935 and disbanded in 1958.
Chapter 84: Albert Edward Cloke: Mike Foxon
The life of this teenager whose short career ended abruptly at the Royal Naval training establishment.
Chapter 85: Lyminge Parish Church 633-1983: Rosemary Piddock
In 1983 Lyminge Parish Church held a festival with a series of events to celebrate the 1,350th Anniversary of the Church and a booklet produced by the Lyminge Historical Society to mark the anniversary is re-produced in this chapter.
Chapter 86: Tired of Life – a suicide: via Daphne Andrews
In 1922, a 15 year old boy from Elham shot himself in his bedroom with a double-barrelled shotgun.
Chapter 87: Anyone for Tea?: Rosemary Piddock and Mike Foxon
In 2019 The Lyminge Family History and Research Group researched the history of Tea and Coffee in Great Britain and tea and coffee establishments in Lyminge and Etchinghill over the years. A display of their research was installed in Lyminge Library and has been summarised in this article.
Chapter 88: Reminiscences of a Lyminge Fire Fighter: Rosemary Selman
Reminiscences of Alan Boughton and his time in the Fire Service in Lyminge. Alan has spent all his life in the village, other than his 2-year National Service.
Chapter 89: Vera Vaslet: Mike Foxon
This lady reflects on her brother’s arrival after Dunkirk and her Rhodes Minnis relatives.